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Living in Lockdown & Missing My Old Life

As I sat there looking through all the photos in my 'To Post List' as I've had no exciting events or outings in these last few months in lockdown in Melbourne. All I can think about is how much I'm seriously missing my friends overseas 💓 and our adventures- my old life!

Like many of us, I have spent almost 6 months in quarantine with my little ones. I manage the children's education, play and boredom, grocery deliveries, cooking all while contemplating what the hell I’m going to do with my life now I’m not working and packing to move into a new home I haven’t even been able to see be built.

One of the bigger things I faced through all this is navigating the roller coaster of emotions the kids have dealt with. Their lives have been totally uprooted by missing so much of their "regular" lives, structure, school, family, but above all else, they are really missing their friends.

.... and while navigating their emotions and their feelings have been a priority, I have some feelings of my own.

𝘐 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘈 𝘓𝘖𝘛 𝘵𝘰𝘰

I miss my old life! I loved my jobs, always traveling overseas, I miss my only alone time I had hanging out with my friends on my overnights in LA as an international flight attendant and our incredible, spontaneous adventures. I’m an extrovert by nature, like my father-to gather and host is a part of me. It’s probably why I loved flying and filming the show Behind The Sash so much. I joined TikTok for a laugh to share funny videos, trying to stay connected with work colleagues (my TikTok dedication to Virgin Australia with my work friends made the news) and sent texts of relatable parenting and homeschooling videos with girlfriends.

I’ve tried zoom chats and phone calls but it’s just not enough to fill that bucket and like many of my friends I just went into family mode. Yep I know I haven’t posted in over a month (and thank you so much for the friends that checked in because I was quiet on socials) but I realised my daughter is going to be 10 😳 next year, somewhere along the line I have to remember these “little kids” years, although full of challenging days when I wish I wasn’t the only adult home with them, are so far easily the best of my life, maybe they always will be!

Yes my kids aren’t my friends, (although I want them to enjoy my company- and I enjoy theirs)

I’m the grown-up, and I still need my friends....but in the meantime, I’m here, living mindfully with my children, more aware that my “Mommy” years are limited. This time I’ve had with them at home all to myself is precious.

Yes these are hard times, but there are little blessings in the lessons if you dare to look.



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