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How to be a better 'sister'

"Real queens share their thrones!"

There is something raw and beautiful about women coming together and supporting one another that seems to nourish and heal us on a very deep level. It’s proven that we as women are more likely to succeed with the support of other women, so shouldn’t that be enough of a reason to stop competing and show more sympathy towards one another and a little love? In a society set up to keep each other down, compare and feel badly about our imperfections there is definitely things we can all do to help each other rise!

💭Show up for each other physically & emotionally! Go to your friends events, support their businesses and pay full price.

Listen! Sometimes we can’t control what goes on in our life, rather than lecture, support! Ask what you can do to help, be honest and open about your own insecurities or issues, from procreating to job issues. Be open with it all, we don't always have to be perfect and there is certainly comfort in not feeling alone with our plight.

When women are surrounded by supportive and uplifting female companions, they find themselves with a kindred network who truly understand the unique challenges we as women face and can offer encouragement, advice and support to help us grow & flourish.

💭Share your strengths ,connections & encourage the younger generation.

Don't hide your connections, its time to put the 'Sister' back into "Sisterhood!" Sisterhood is not a trite word we want to throw around. Being your sister’s keeper should be a knee-jerk reaction to those in your circle. Treat others based on how you would want to be treated in any situation. If you know the perfect distributor for a 'sisters' business, give them the hook up rather than keeping the contact close to your chest. With so many hard working women getting ahead and doing incredible things, why is it that far too many of us are being left behind? The truth is, many women despite their honourable achievements, connections and power are just too scared, too selfish, or too insecure to help other women.

Having badass women in your circle that ignite your spirit, share their knowledge and shine light on things to watch out for only makes you stronger and more able to withstand the storms that life often comes our way.

Collaborate and share your strengths while offering guidance and encouragement for those a little less experienced. Imagine where we could be in our lives if we had female mentors in our chosen field supporting us with the ever-present challenges and obstacles we as women constantly face in the workplace? Issues such as the wage gap, unequal opportunity, and being selected for a job or a promotion over a man, aren't going to be as big of a fight if we help pave the way for our younger generation by sticking together. If your female protege was not invited to a meeting that a male coworker was invited to, don’t be afraid to question why that is. The same goes for opportunities and promotions in the workplace, speak up and ask why they're being looked over. Stand together with them in solidarity and demand that your employers take action and address any issues of inequality.

And that is what true “sisterhood” is all about, because the reality is, if we don’t help each other get a leg up, who will?

💭Compliment each other! Don’t be fickle with your positive vibes, give credit where it’s due and tell your friends how proud you are they got that job, or how thoughtful they are. Be sure to comment on your friends posts be vocal cheering them on. Showing appreciation for people in your life or women that have inspired you is just plain nice!

Make it your mission to be an ally to the women of this generation, because being a feminist isn’t so much about your own voice, but how you use your stage to encourage and support other women to find theirs.







@sandalah_thephotolady from the TV series 'Behind The Sash'


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