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Free 30day Declutter Challenge

Hey there #busybabes

In celebration of launching 'Busy Girl's Guide' I will be posting some free treats for my tribe as a thank you so stay updated on stories, reels and posts for free downloads links for you.

The reason I created BBG in the first place actually surprises a lot of people... My 'why' is because I know what is feels like to feel like your life is in disarray, I suffer from at times extreme anxiety. If clutter or mess feels like too big of a job to tackle I would do anything to avoid taking it on. I would literally throw everything in a room until I was ready to deal with it. I would just feel so overwhelmed and wouldn't know where to start, so it was easier to live life "Out of sight, out of mind". It's taken me a long time to realise it's just easier if everything has as "place" so with some strategic organisation and storage, I've found some great ways and products to help keep things under control.

I know so many women out there have been in the same boat as me and feel so stretched they don't know where to begin. For that reason, I am so committed to sharing everything I've learnt over the years to help women create life-changing habits that make their day better, more productive and set them up for success. I believe that having an organised life is so important and is the thing that will keep you going, especially when things get difficult. Mine is at the foundation of everything I do and it’s so encouraging to see so many women embracing what I've discovered to create a breezy stress free life, that allows you to spend more time on the things you want to do with the people that matter.

So please enjoy my second gift the '30 day declutter challenge' planner that will help you get your home into tip top shape, one task, one day at a time.

Hope you enjoy babes



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