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Choc-Nut Smoothie Bowl

As a really busy mum with 2 kids breakfast is the most important meal of the day for me this is great as even a simple protein shake to have on the run giving you plenty on energy that's low gi


1 scooped choc protein powder

1/2 tsp cocoa powder

2 Frozen bananas

1 Tsb almond butter

Handful of spinach or Kale (leaf only)

Cup of coconut water

Cupof ice

Top with what you wish I did slice banana, cocoa nibs from @loving_earth crushed cashews and bee pollen 🐝

As a really busy mum with 2 kids under 5 breakfast is the most important meal of the day for me this is great as even a simple protein shake to have on the run giving you plenty on energy that's low gi


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