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Vegan Bounty Bars

I was having a discussion the other day with a friend talking about their nephew just finishing high school and the pressures that come with deciding what to study and what industry they want to enter. "If you could go back to high school knowing all you know now, what career do you think you'd pursue?" I thought long and hard about this.... I'm a international flight attendant, stylist, part time model and recipe creator. I had my own clothing label, done acting jobs, writing even set design. After school I always wanted to be a director and work for Pixar so I did a diploma in multimedia and animation on computers, and do you know how much of that Ive used in my adult life?......Zero!

So journalist? script writer? I love photography and editing, oooh what about a chef? Interior designer or party planner.... everyone knows I can throw an amazing themed party.

"There's just too many things I'm good at" I jokingly said. Really though, there are just too many things I love doing, so I figure why settle for one when I can do many. Seriously though I love cooking. Food creating is one of my absolute favourite things to do, and I think I'm pretty good at it. Especially as I'm a massive perfectionist. I am constantly striving to make things better, and these vegan bounty bars are no exception. I've created these a number of times with different variations. I even tried other creators recipes to see if they were better, but I couldn't get the consistency to exactly match that of a true bounty bar but still have totally vegan, no sugar and no gluten. They were too dry and crumbly, not sweet enough... just not quite right. This recipe however is pretty damn spot on and I personally think as close as you will get without adding refined sugar or anything artificial and keeping totally vegan.


  • 1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut

  • 1/2 cup desiccated coconut

  • 1/2 cup cashews (soaked min 4hrs)

  • 1 cup macadamias (soaked min 4hrs)

  • 3 1/2 tbsp rice malt or agave syrup

  • 1 tbsp virgin coconut oil

  • 1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla bean extract

  • pinch of pink salt

For Chocolate Shell

  • 80g @loving_earth creamy coconut mylk chocolate

  • 1 tsp coconut oil ( I use @naturalrawc )


  • 1/3 cup raw cacao powder

  • 1/8 cup agave syrup

  • 2 tsp coconut oil


Process the nuts in a food processor, thermomix or blender until smooth then add remaining ingredients. Line a tray with wax or baking paper. Form the blended mixture into patties with your hands or bar moulds (run your finger with coconut oil around mould first if using), then freeze until firm. Carefully melt the chocolate and add extra oil if needed or mix the alternative chocolate blend. I like to stir in the optional 1tsp coconut oil when melting because it makes a much smoother chocolate sauce that more easily coats the patties and enables you to use less sauce overall. Dip patties into the sauce then re-freeze until firm. Enjoy!!!!!

Love to hear what you think, don't forget to tag me in your creations.


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