Vegan Christmas Magnum Ego's

Christmas- I love everything about it! The kids excitement, the wine and corny music, but one of my absolute favourite things is THE FOOD!
I love an elaborate lunch, and seriously you need to try my Christmas pudding (post up tomorrow) I promise you if you thought you weren't a pudding fan- this will change your mindset. Ive done it with 3 variations with gluten free and vegan.
Now in my family, especially since my dad is gone, my sisters and I have broken up our tasks for Christmas so that no poor soul is left to stress over everything. My job is the desserts which I love and I believe come to master over the years but I still like to keep things interesting.
I normally make the pudding for the adults (my baby sis is celiac, and her kids are sensitive to gluten also) and I do an ice-cream pudding for the kids which I add pistachio, macadamia nuts, freeze dried raspberries and white chocolate. I put it in a pudding mould and then drizzle milk chocolate over the top and decorate. This year however I thought Id mix things up especially as so hot in Melbourne this Christmas, I thought they would enjoy eating their dessert outside and I don't know anyone who doesn't like a magnum. So I have created these Vegan Christmas Magnum Ego's which the bases are also refined sugar and gluten free. The topping for the gingerbread I made from the left over broken scraps and crushed candy canes. Seriously out did myself they are actually pretty damn good, but you can top with whichever you choose. Even try my above pudding combo thats also a winner.
Enjoy... love to hear your thoughts.

makes 6 ice-creams
½ cup cashews (soaked min of 2hrs)
½ cup coconut cream
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
¼ cup maple syrup
Salted caramel:
10 pitted Medjool dates
⅓ cup coconut cream
pinch of Himalayan salt
½ tsp vanilla bean paste
1 tsp mesquite powder
Dark Chocolate shell*
¼ cup melted coconut oil
⅓ cup raw cacao powder
⅛ maple syrup
White Chocolate shell
50g raw cacao butter
2 tbsp non-hydrogenated vegetable shortening*
1 tbsp cashew butter
pinch of himalayan salt
½ tsp vanilla bean paste
1 tsp of peppermint extract
(you can substitute the Dark chocolate with @loving_earth or other vegan chocolate brand a just melt over low heat above pot if simmering water. The shortening in white chocolate can be substituted with extra cacao butter but will be a bit richer) Top with crumbled gingerbread from the recipe on my feed and crushed candy cane.

Place all the ice cream ingredients into a blender and mix until you have a smooth mixture.
Pour the ice cream mixture into the moulds until they are ¾ full (make sure not to fill them up completely so you have some space left for the caramel).
Add the wooden sticks and place the filled moulds into the freezer for about 1 hour (the ice cream should be almost set).
While waiting, prepare the salted caramel filling by placing all ingredients into the blender and mixing them until you get a creamy thick sauce. I place mine over low heat which I find works best to help smooth.
Once you got the desired texture spread the caramel evenly into the remaining ¼ of the moulds.
Place the moulds back into the freezer for until the caramel has hardened.
Combine all the raw chocolate ingredients in a bowl and mix until you get a smooth chocolate mixture in bowl over a pot of simmering water, being sure not to let the bottom hit the water.
For white chocolate melt the cacao, then add remaining ingredients and stir until smooth.
Dip each popsicle into the different melted chocolate (I pour into a deep cup), then top with crushed gingerbread and candy cane if desired and place them on a baking sheet in the freezer to dry. Make sure to let them defrost for a couple of minutes at room temperature before eating.
#christmas #veganchristmas #vegandessert #plantbased #veganmagnum #vegantreats #glutenfree #sugarfree #busylikebecky #christmasdessert #veganicecream #lifestyleblogger