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What happens on 4 hours sleep a night!

My girl Mrs Europe- Naira demonstrates what being sleep deprived looks like. The awesome Kenny, our video guru made this video to show exactly what we all go through with pageant life! I was so looking forward to actually sleeping in while I was away. Before the pageant I hadnt spent a single night away from my son who just turned 2 when I got home, he isnt the best sleeper he still wakes once at night so I was really looking forward to a solid night sleep. I was wrong! I think I got more sleep at home with 2 toddlers than I did a single night while away in China. Every day we had 8am starts finishing a lot of the time after 10pm, add time differences and a roomate to coordinate showers and mirror time around and you were lucky to get 4 hours sleep a night!


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