An Australian in China!
As a mother I would like to think I always made a positive difference in my families life every day by teaching my children qualities I hold in the highest regard like compassion and kindness. As a proud Australian I have always credited my laid back, people pleasing nature to my country upbringing. I have been a flight attendant for over 10 years so in that time I would consider myself well traveled and have acquired friends from all over the globe all of which think my country and my people ROCK! Given the diverse nature of today’s Australia, some people wonder whether there is a ‘typical’ Australian. Of course there is no shortage of popular stereotypes, no one in Australia puts a 'shrimp' on the barbie it's a prawn, we never refer to women as a sheila and not every Australian can surf. So what is it to be an Australian and what is it that makes us the 'Lucky Country or Clever Country'? Some say it's our weather, our lifestyle, geographic isolation and our history. It is used to describe Australia's good fortune, from gold booms to economic booms but I believe it is our diversity that is what makes us great! Australia is a unique and diverse country in every way — in culture, population and climate. This diversity of influences creates a cultural environment in Australia that is friendly, energised, innovative and always looking forward. Being Australian is about driving a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer, then on the way home grabbing a Turkish kebab or Italian pizza, to sit on Swedish furniture and watch American programs on a Japanese TV. We take what is the best that every country has on offer and embrace it.
Having a son with special needs means you rarely get any time for your own needs you become so focused on their improvement. Im a firm believer in giving back to the community and as Mrs Australia Globe I have the ability to help my son and others at the same time by raising awareness for the causes important to me from cancer awareness, anti bullying programs to my son's rare brain disorder. When I was crowned I felt so blessed being able to represent my country in what was to be the biggest 'Mrs' pageant ever. It was a tough competition! I am actually a second generation pageant queen, my mother was Miss Australia with the Miss teen international pageant in 1974 where she took home Miss Elegance. She is still good friends with Mrs USA, Cindy, today who I adore and still visit when Im in the US. This was the first pageant I had ever entered and I can honestly say I was a little apprehensive of what I was truly in for. You hear horror stories about pageants from gowns being tampered with to the smiling assassin mentality that girls are nice to your face then stab you in the back as soon as you walk away. Most of what I knew about pageants as a teen I learnt from 'Miss Congeniality' or 'Drop Dead Gorgeous' so even as the daughter of a 'Miss' you could see why I wasn't exactly lining up to try for Miss Universe. It was only when I chatted to a few pageant girlfriends I had dressed for their upcoming events that I got to see how happy it made them being able to make a difference with a sense of authority that people will actually stand up and listen to what they had to say, like a soldier fighting for a cause these women were choosing to fight for their causes but in a much cuter outfit! It made me think maybe there was a lot more to the pageant world that what the superficial world portrays and what a good way to get the causes I stand behind out there. I did my research looked at all the different organisations out there and I came across Mrs Globe. I really liked the charity behind it the resonated with me. It is about healing and empowering women and as a true feminist I am all about equality and empowerment for women. When I arrived I met the most amazing women there. On day one I instantly clicked with the now reigning Mrs Globe-Riana Mooi Mrs South Africa, Audrey-Mrs Singapore and Neise-Mrs Brazil, the 'Awesome Foursome' was formed. All survivors in our own right, Mrs South Africa won us over with her sweet, kind almost childlike innocent nature. Mrs Singapore became our sassy interpreter who became a huge hit with her bargaining skills and the ever popular 'Selfie' stick (I bought one I must confess. So cool). Mrs Brazil had us in good spirits with her warm and energetic energy and I soon became well liked for my quick witted and always helpful nature. Doing other contestants make up backstage to grabbing a can of Sprite for one of the girls thats fainted. Our little group grew fast and I too like my mother became very close with Mrs USA and we all treasured what each country had to offer. Seeing first hand the little quirks and qualities that each of our countries people are known for was amazing and really does show how much our country is a part of us! You can literally leave the country but you will always carry a piece of it with you as it's a part of you! At the Mrs Globe awards night I was nominated for Most Energetic Personality, lost out to Spain... go figure ;) and won Most Helpful. I couldn't have been prouder that I got to represent my country and be recognised for one of the very things we pride ourselves on, being kind, hospitable and helpful!
I was really excited when I made the final at Mrs Globe getting to strut our stuff in the additional BeachFlirt22/ SnaptoLive swimsuit and the Red Shepow dress was a highlight in my life, but our little group had the belief that as long as one of our crew won... we all won as we all helped and supported each other. I remember the moment standing on stage when Riana-Mrs South Africa was announced I admittedly started crying... I think a few of the girls I was standing near I wasn't as close to thought I was crying because I didn't win, I had to chuckle when they gave me a sympathetic hug, bless them! I felt such overwhelming joy for Riana when she was crowned, she was one of my picks from the beginning and if you ever have the pleasure to meet her in person you will understand why. Not only is she beautiful, as a mum of late teen, early 20 year old son's you could see her boys would cop a bit of grief from their mates, she is poised, radiates kindness but also has a Grace Kelly like quality about her. Very few people have that commanding yet graceful presence about them, she was a wise choice and I know she is destined for great things.
I know in my heart I was supposed to be at Mrs Globe it was one of those rare opportunities in life when you know you're at the right place at the right time. I met my soul mates in China and I really hope we have lasting friendships like my mum has. Huge thank to all the friends and family who have helped me and supported me along the way, to the businesses and individuals who have sponsored me Annette Sanfilippo, The Dollhouse, Bianc Jewellery, Sara Catena, Lana Volkov, my dress at pattern makers at La Bella Couture, Sara Picken Brown, Anytime Fitness South Melbourne, Swimwear Galore Mornington, Youshiki Hair to name a few and Tracy Kemble and Kylie Tee for making it all possible.
My advise for anyone considering entering a pageant is definitely do it, it offers so many windows of opportunity, with so many things you learn not only about yourself, but also about communication skills, leadership, interviews, and poise there are so many wonderful organisations you get to work with or could begin. Just remember..
"You define the crown, the crown does not define you.;;;;;;