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Quick wins to be more eco-friendly at home
Zero waste tips

Vegan Mint Matcha Slice (no bake)
One of my favourite all time treats is an old fashioned mint slice. Given how much sugar is in them, lets say its something I don't...

How to be a better 'sister'
"Real queens share their thrones!" There is something raw and beautiful about women coming together and supporting one another that seems...

This Christmas invest in experiences, not things!
More Experiences, Less Stuff! Present Guide This year when you think about the kinds of things you can do to make yourselves happy, think...

Living in Lockdown & Missing My Old Life
As I sat there looking through all the photos in my 'To Post List' as I've had no exciting events or outings in these last few months in...

Keeping Calm During Covid-19
It’s natural to feel insecure & anxious right now, life is unfamiliar and unpredictable, but together we’ll get through this! We’re...

Sesame Salted Caramel Magnum Ego's
I just came back not long ago while shooting my TV show 'Behind The Sash' (starts airing Channel 10 on 26th Oct) from the beautiful...

Vegan Cream Eggs
How good is the gooey centre of a cream egg? With such limited options for vegans and the fact that the iconic Cadbury cream egg is one...

Vegan Bounty Bars
I was having a discussion the other day with a friend talking about their nephew just finishing high school and the pressures that come...

Vegan Christmas Magnum Ego's
Christmas- I love everything about it! The kids excitement, the wine and corny music, but one of my absolute favourite things is THE...
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